Press Room
Articles by Kamran Pasha:
On this site:
- About Kamran Pasha
- About Mother of the Believers: A Novel of the Birth of Islam
- Author's Note
- Excerpt from Mother of the Believers: A Novel of the Birth of Islam
- Kamran's Blog
In the Media:
- On Faith (Wash. Post/Newsweek)
- SAJA Forum
- January Magazine
- Harriet Klausner
- Beatrice
- Bookloons
- Media and Islam
- The American Muslim
- The American Muslim
- The American Muslim
- Historical Boys
- Raw Story
- Afghan Buzz - Blog about Afghanistan
- Ravings of the Semi-Sane Madwoman - Blog
- Books are My Only Friends
- Historical Novels
- We Be Reading
- The American Muslim (TAM)
- The American Muslim (TAM)
- The American Muslim (TAM)
- The American Muslim (TAM)
- Baithak Blog
- Printed Page - Book Blog
- Islam Online
On the Web: